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Hollymount Primary School

Dietary and allergies

If your child has any medical needs or allergies we should be aware of, your first step is to complete the information on Arbor. A member of the school team will then be in contact with you to complete a care plan. This may require a face-to-face meeting or an exchange of emails. These plans will then be in place for your child's first day. This is particularly important if you child requires medication (eg, an EpiPen or asthma pump).

Dietary Requirements 

Any dietary requirements will need to be added to Arbor as soon as you get access and Caterlink will also require dietary requirement information as well; this is so they can ensure your child has a personalised lunch plan and you will need to send this information over to them via the office.

Milk and fruit arrangements (snack)

All children are offered fruit as a snack and water to drink; they choose when to take it. Children can also bring in a snack that they can eat mid morning as part of the class routines. Milk is booked via the company Cool Milk. 

Nut free school

Please remember that no item of food that contains nuts can come into school. This includes items that have nuts as an ingredient.  This includes items that may not be immediately obvious such as humous, sesame seeds and some pesto's.