Free School Meals + Pupil Premium
Pupil premium – The benefits to you and the school and how to apply
The vision for all our children is that every child reaches their potential as we firmly believe that every child can achieve, demonstrate excellence and grow to be a confident, caring and aspirational human being. Our values form the word ‘CARE’ and we really do and as part of this we want to ensure every family has access to all of our opportunities. Part of this is ensuring the pupil premium is accessed.
What is the pupil premium?
The government provides schools with additional funding for pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium. This entitlement is aimed at providing schools with additional funds to enrich the curriculum and ensure that no child misses out on opportunities that will improve their education. For every child who applies and is successfully granted the pupil premium the school receives £1,300.
What does the school do with the extra income?
The school uses the funding to provide a range of additional support for the children that includes funding counselling, ELSA work, support staff and resources. On top of this we also offer the following to families on the pupil premium list.
Contribution towards the Hollymount entitlement
Reduced cost for the Year 5 and year 6 residential trip
Funding towards 1-1 music lessons in KS2
Funding or places towards external school clubs
Priority places for targeted cultural and sports opportunities
What is the criteria
Pupil premium is allocated to pupils from low income families and the eligibility check is identical to the Free School Meals eligibility check. Qualifying benefits are as follows:
Income Support
Jobseeker's Allowance (income-based)
Employment and Support Allowance (income-based)
Child Tax Credit based on income below £16,190
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Asylum Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit 'run on' (this is the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Families who receive any level of Working Tax Credit are not entitled to free school meals.
How do I apply
If you think you might be eligible then please complete the following online form – CLICK HERE. If successful we will then be in contact to confirm this.
How do I apply?
It is super easy and can be done online via Merton Council - CLICK HERE TO APPLY