Nursery Admissions
We currently offer 26 full time equivalent places. This is made up of mixture of full and part time places. Our part time offer is 15 hours a week, which is made up of five half days. The morning part-time sessions run from 8.30am to 11.30am and the afternoon from 12.30pm to 3.30pm.
We offer full time places (8:30 to 3:30) to all parents. This can be paid for by the 30 hour code for eligible working parents or Non-eligible parents can pay a top-up fee to increase from part-time to full-time hours five days per week.
Admissions criteria
The school will consider applications for the beginning of each academic year for children who have turned 3 prior to 1st September of the academic year in following order:
1. Looked after children and those who ceased to be looked after children because they have been adopted, or because they became subject to a residence order, child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
2. Children of staff at the school
3. Children with a brother or sister currently attending the school and who will still be at the school when the child is admitted.
4. Other children in order of straight line distance from home to school.
For children who turn three during an academic year –if places are available, pupils may be offered a part-time place in the Nursery in the term after their third birthday. We will have an additional intake in January if space is available.
Admissions criteria
If there are more applications than places within the admissions groups above Hollymount will admit pupils in the priority order (as set out above).
Starting dates for Nursery children
Nursery children have a staggered intake to ensure children settle quickly and have a stress free start to their Early Years education.
Prior to their child starting, families are expected to attend an All about Me meeting with the Nursery teacher.
Application Form:
All applications are made via the Merton admissions page
Once the council have offered places we will be in contact to discuss your requirements and allocate places.
Visits and Open Mornings
We would love to show you around our school. For information about how to join our open days click here.