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Hollymount Primary School


In 2024 we had a full section five OFSTED inspection which ended with the following judgements being made about our wonderful school. You can view our full report below or you can visit the OFSTED website to read all of our previous reports.  

hollymount school ofsted report.pdf

 Letter to community from Mr Croft 

Dear Hollymount Community, 

RE: OFSTED Report – Community letter

The OFSTED inspection evaluates schools across five key areas: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management, and Early Years. Each of these areas is graded on a scale from outstanding, good, requires improvement, to inadequate.


As a benchmark, I would like to draw your attention to the national statistics from the last academic year. Only 4% of schools inspected achieved an outstanding overall rating, with similarly low percentages in specific areas: 4% for Quality of Education, 12% for Behaviour and Attitudes, 15% for Personal Development, 6% for Leadership and Management, and 9% for Early Years. 

Against this backdrop, I am immensely proud to inform you that our school has been rated as outstanding in four out of the five areas assessed. This achievement reflects the dedication and commitment of our entire school community – from our exceptional staff and governors to our wonderful children and supportive parents. 

Some of the highlights from the report that I am particularly proud of 

  • Pupils are very happy at this caring school where there is a strong sense of community.
  • Pupils’ behaviour in classrooms and around the school is exemplary.
  • The ‘Hollymount Entitlement’ offers all pupils excellent opportunities to enrich and extend their learning beyond the classroom.
  • The school has skilfully implemented an ambitious curriculum which allows pupils to build up their knowledge and skills securely from Nursery through to Year 6
  • The school’s early years curriculum enables children to get off to a flying start in their education.
  • Pupils display impeccable attitudes to learning.
  • Staff are extremely proud to work here and praise the support they receive.
  • Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the work of the school’. 

I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and dedication to our school. It is your collective effort that has enabled us to create an environment where every child can thrive and excel.

 As always there are areas to think about following an inspection and for us it is to continue to ensure that every single one of our subjects are embedded with the same outstanding standards. This is evidenced through what the children have learnt and for us because we had to carry out significant curriculum work in 2022, some of our subjects have just not had the length of time they need for children to have a secure level of knowledge and learning over time. This will come and OFSTED recognised that now our curriculum is mapped out and leaders at all levels have a secure understanding of the expected standards and learning. The quality of education is good and on the right track for outstanding, it just takes time.

 I am confident that with continued dedication and collaborative effort, our curriculum fully meets the needs of our students and over time learning will become more evident and outstanding. I anticipate that by the time of our next inspection, these improvements will be embedded, potentially resulting in an even higher overall rating.

 Moving forward, we remain committed to providing an excellent education for all our children. We will use the insights gained from the OFSTED report to safeguard and build upon the outstanding aspects of Hollymount School. Additionally, we will utilize the specific next steps outlined in the report to inform our school development priorities for the coming year.

 Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our school. Together, we will continue to inspire excellence and foster a love for learning in every child.

 Yours sincerely,



Joe Croft                                                 
