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Hollymount Primary School

Our Curriculum

At Hollymount, all members of the school community are encouraged and inspired to know, understand and reflect on our School values of:

Respect, Resilience, Friendship, Kindness, Courage and Happiness

Curriculum Intent 

When planning and delivering our Curriculum, we know that the key elements of learning for each child should be secured, allowing them to develop their fluency, confidence and mastery of the wider Curriculum.  There should therefore be a crisp focus on securing those elements necessary for progression and understanding.

This is enabled through the provision of a carefully planned, progressive curriculum, where subjects are discretely based with purposeful links which are meaningful. We believe that knowledge is as important as the development of skills in our pupils, so they can actively engage, question and develop their understanding. There is a strong emphasis on richness of content, relevance of material and great rigour in the teaching and learning of this material.

Through the provision of our Curriculum, the primary focus is to foster a lifelong love of learning; create a sense of personal pride in achievement; develop proactive thinkers; create resilient and independent learners and ultimately to help every child find their strengths and interests.

Subject leaders

Subject leaders are passionate about their Subjects and therefore play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review where impact and outcomes for all children are always central. Resources are provided to enhance Curriculum and leaders are regularly upskilled through training.

Defined but adaptable

We recognise that any Curriculum design should be tensile as well as robust. We consider ours as living documents, which are sufficiently defined, challenging and demanding in their scope and vision for all our pupils, regardless of their ability. They are also flexible enough to adapt to all pupils’ developing needs as they emerge over time.

Diversity and Inclusion

All children learn best when they feel safe, valued and successful. We have therefore designed our Curriculum to meet the needs and aspirations of our children, carefully considering their social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. We ensure that the learning opportunities provided are accessible, purposeful and inspiring. We actively encourage the children to connect to the past, different cultures, our community and the wider world, while ensuring they are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Hollymount provides a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education and pupils are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge through varied curriculum opportunities whilst those who find learning more difficult are provided with scaffolded opportunities and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace and to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. 

In recognising the development of the whole child, the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is strong. Supporting children’s emotional and mental well-being sits at the heart of our school; programmes such as ELSA allow vulnerable children to access their learning and curriculum entitlement.


The Curriculum is enhanced through the targeted addition of resources, which bring it to life and enable all learners to experience a sense of wonder and interest in their learning. Engaging visits and visitors are chosen to enrich the curriculum and create a sense of wonder about the subjects and topics. 


Assessment has an important place in the education system and through designing a broad, challenging and forward-thinking curriculum that focuses on deepening knowledge, this is considered at all stages We encourage the provision of high-quality learning opportunities to develop confident and skilled pupils, who are able to apply their learning in a range of situations, including statutory testing.

A details version of our curriculum approach and design can be found within our curriculum handbook that can be viewed below 

curriculum handbook.pdf