Specific Education Needs and Inclusion
Hollymount School values the abilities and achievements of all its children, and is committed to providing for each the best possible environment for learning.
Every teacher at Hollymount is a teacher of SEN and puts inclusive practice at the heart of their teaching. We recognise the entitlement of all pupils to receive a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to their needs. Our Specific Education Needs policy acknowledges the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Governing Body ensures that appropriate provision is made for all pupils with SEN.
We aim to:
- Provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual's needs and ability
- Ensure the identification of all children requiring SEN provision as early as possible in their school career
- Ensure that parents of children with SEN are kept fully informed of their progress and attainment
We recognise that many children will experience special needs at some time during their school life. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to overcome them by parents, teachers and children working together.
Our Specific Educational Needs Policy and Inclusion Handbook can be found below
specific educational needs policy and inclusion handbook.pdf
Our Special Educational Needs Report can be found below
sen information report updated updated sept 24.pdf