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Hollymount Primary School

How to book a place for after school and holiday Club

How to activate your account

 Your account will automatically be created by importing yours and your children data from our School Management System (Arbor) so you are not setting up a new account but activating your account that Arbor has created and been pulled over.

 To access your account, click the link https://hollymount.magicbooking.co.uk/. When you get to the login page, then click the ‘Forgotten Password’ hyperlink, enter the email address we've sent this email in the field, and follow the instructions received in the email to create your password. Check your junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox. All details are linked to the same details you have on Arbor.

 Once you are logged in you will be able to see your children’s information as it will all be pulled over form Arbor. If you see mistakes then you change it on Arbor and not magic booking.

Once your account is it set up you will be able to book activities that are published by the school