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Hollymount Primary School

Year 1

What to expect from year 1

Year one is an important year group where children start to bridge their learning from early years and into key stage one. The children utilize and develop the early years learning and start to apply this skills into learning the knowledge set out from the national curriculum.

Year one is a vitally important year for early reading. Phonics, decoding and mastering these early reading skills is a big part of your child's journey this year. 

Alongside reading we also find that year one is a transition into more formal learning. Carpet time reduces, learning through play moves more to break and lunchtimes and children will start to be expected to sustain concentration for longer periods of time.

Meet the year Team 

Kerrin Dooley - Class Teacher









Melanie Reinecke - Class Teacher

Key Stage One support Staff Team


Maria Millan

Anna Busa

Kerry Rogers














Anna Hopkins


Lynne Asghar


Learning Behaviours and expectations 


Meet the teacher presentation 



Useful information