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Hollymount Primary School

Year 6

All about year 6

The last year group of primary school and the year all of the children's academic learning comes together to formulate a well rounded child that is prepared for secondary school. 

The children take on leadership responsibilities and sit their SATS tests. 

Information on SATS can be found here 

Meet the year 6 Team 


Job Share from Jan

Keira Singfield - Class Teacher and Head of Phase

Heather Smyllie - Class teacher








Beth Kohler - Class teacher 

Gul Ansarai - Y5/6 Teaching assistant Kate Gardner - Y5/6 Teaching assistant


Abeer Salih


 Ewlira Deluga

Suja Pillai - Y5/6 Teaching assistant


Year 6 Timetable:





As a school, we set weekly spellings, reading and maths practise. Reading should be encouraged daily and we will be keeping a log of what children say they are reading at home. Please listen to your child read aloud once a week.  

Make sure your child can log in to Times Table Rockstars and to Spelling Frame. They will be given their logins at the beginning of the academic year. 

Children will also be able to bring home books from school. As we move through the school year, the home learning will increase in preparation for the transition to secondary school. This will also give children the opportunity to revise key concepts and develop independence.

Meet the teacher presentation 

TBC for 2024/25 

Useful information 

Secondary school presentation for parents held on the 21st September 


 Learning Behaviours and expectations